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HOW DOES THE CUSTOMER FILE A CLAIM?To file a claim, a customer may either call our Customer Service Department at 1-800-453-8470 during business hours (8:00 am – 5:00 pm MST, Mon.-Fri.) or they may fill out a claim form online.
WHAT DOES MY CONTRACT COVER?The specific coverages for a contract are detailed on the contract itself. If the customer is unable to locate their contract, they may also contact our Customer Service Department by emailing or by calling 1-800-453-8470. In order to locate their warranty, the customer must provide either their warranty number or their Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). A Customer Service Representative will assist the customer with any questions they may have regarding their specific coverages.
HOW DO I CONFIRM THAT A CUSTOMER’S CONTRACT IS PROPERLY REGISTERED WITH SISKIN ENTERPRISES?Please contact our Customer Service Department by emailing or by calling 1-800-453-8470. Please have prepared: Owner’s Name Warranty Number Date of Purchase Dealership Name from where the vehicle was purchased A Customer Service Representative will verify registration of the warranty.
HOW IS A CUSTOMER’S CONTRACT/WARRANTY TRANSFERRED?The contract transfer form is required to be filled out. Warranty Transfer Form
HOW IS THE CONTRACT RENEWED?If the customer wishes to renew their contract at the end of the coverage period, they may return to an authorized dealer where they can purchase an additional contract at the prevailing retail rate. If the customer has moved, or if they are uncertain as to which dealerships in their area offer their specific contract, they may contact our Customer Service Department at 1-800-453-8470 or by emailing A Customer Service Representative will assist the customer in locating an authorized dealer near them.
HOW CAN THE CUSTOMER GET A COPY OF THEIR CONTRACT?The customer may either contact their selling dealership’s finance department, or they may contact our Customer Service Department by emailing or by calling 1-800-453-8470 to obtain a copy of their contract.
CAN MY WARRANTY/CONTRACT BE CANCELLED?Our Product Warranties are non-cancellable since there is a physical product applied to the vehicle that cannot be removed post application. However, some Service Contracts may be cancellable. Review your specific Warranty/Contact for details regarding its cancellability, or contact our Customer Service Department at (800) 453-8470. In the case of cancellable Service Contracts, please note that your selling dealership is responsible for providing refunds as per the terms of the specific contract. All inquiries regarding refund amount, status, and payments should be directed to your selling dealership. All Holders of Siskin Enterprises Warranties and Service Contracts (“Contracts”) may rely only upon the representations of Siskin Enterprises, including those set forth herein. No form obtained from an unauthorized, third party source will be recognized and is therefore invalid.
WILL THE CUSTOMER STILL RECEIVE COVERAGE SERVICE IF THEY MOVE?Siskin Enterprises is a national company with the ability to service claims anywhere in the United States and Canada.
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